Pollen allergy: how to prevent and relieve symptoms in children

Spring brings us longer and more temperate days, but it also brings us the most frequent allergy at this time of year, allergic rhinitis, also known as "hay fever" or commonly known as pollen allergy.

It is a very frequent picture among the child population, even in newborns, which can affect their quality of life. It is a time of sneezing, stuffy nose and irritated eyes due to the high levels of pollen found in the air. We are going to give you some Tips to prevent and relieve allergy in children.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

It is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by an allergen (substance that produces the allergy, in this case, pollen) and that generates a series of symptoms such as continuous tearing, mucus secretion or sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy nose, roof of mouth, throat and watery eyes.

In Babies and more The most frequent allergies in children

Prevent allergy symptoms

  • Keep allergens at home: vacuum and clean the surfaces of the house with wet solutions (floor, furniture, carpets, upholstery, curtains, stuffed animals, etc.)

  • Avoid having plants that produce pollen inside the house, as well as animals that lose hair.

  • Aerate the bed where the child sleeps and wash the sheets at least once a week at elevated temperatures (more than 60ºC)

  • Limit outdoor activities on days when there are high levels of pollen.

  • Avoid environments with smoke or dust and cold currents.

  • Keep the windows closed in the house or in the car so that pollen does not enter.

  • If you have been playing outside, wash your hands or take a shower after entering the house to remove traces of pollen.

  • Food also helps. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C (kiwi, orange, tomato), natural antihistamine, folic acid and quercitin, which helps prevent congestion and allergic reactions to pollen (apple, onion and spinach).

In Babies and more Having pets at home during the first year of children would help prevent allergies

Relieve allergy symptoms

Among the drugs that are usually used as a treatment for symptoms are antihistamines, disodium cromoglycate and corticosteroids, but should always be prescribed by the doctor.

Apart from that, there are some remedies that can help relieve symptoms of congestion and eye irritation in children.

  • Frequently wash the nostrils with physiological serum so that the mucus flows.

  • Wash eyes with physiological serum to clean pollen particles. There are also some single dose soothing wipes (at home we use them and they go very well)

  • Raise the head of the crib or bed, as congestion worsens when lying down.

  • Use a cold air vaporizer to moisten the environment and help the mucus flow.

  • If it is a baby, offer the breast or bottle frequently to help the mucus circulate.

In Babies and more The seven most common food allergies in babies and children

Video: What Are Pollen Allergies and How Can You Manage Them? (July 2024).