The tender newsletter that a father made to his daughter with autism

Sometimes, a bad grade can not only affect the academic record, but it can also make children feel sad for not having achieved a better result. This is what happened to Sophie, a girl with autism who returned home with the newsletter full of sevens.

But her father, seeing that Sophie felt bad because she thought she had disappointed everyone, He decided to prepare his own report card, which highlights his daughter's other skills.

Shane Jackson, Sophie's father, shared on his Twitter account the self-made report card. At, Sophie evaluates things like her sense of humor, her imagination and her love with dogs, assigning a nine as a rating. And in the matter of "best daughter in the world", Sophie got a great 10.

My daughter who has ASD received straights Ds on her report today. She cried and said “I've let everyone down” this is my report card for her.

- Shane Jackson (@ShaneJacks) June 27, 2018

My daughter, who has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), received only seven in her report card today. She cried and said "I disappointed everyone." This is my report card for her.

The father's post has been retweeted more than 14,000 times and has received hundreds of positive comments for supporting his daughter and continuing encouraging her by highlighting the beautiful things about her personality.

After the success of the publication, he created an account for Sophie to share the drawings he makes, and in which now she has published the report card where she evaluates her father.

hey, i thought i would do a report card for my Dad. if anyone else wants to do one for their dad or mum, you can reply with a photo of it to this tweet. should be fun!

- SophieSideWaysSmile (@ SophieJ36713466) June 29, 2018

Hello, I thought about making a newsletter to my dad, if someone else wants to make one for his mom or dad, he can reply to this tweet with a picture of the newsletter they make. It will be fun!

In the newsletter Sophie made for her father, she assesses things like her love for her, her sense of humor, and just like in her father's newsletter, she gave her dad a 10 in "best father in the world ".

The story of Sophie and her father reminds us of Ben Twist, another child with autism who suspended everything in his school, and to whom his teachers wrote a letter congratulating him on other skills that cannot be evaluated in an exam, such as making friends And your kindness.

The report card can tell us a lot about the academic performance that children have within the school and the classroom. So we can know what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are, to continue supporting them and paying more attention to specific subjects.

And while grades and academic performance are important, we should encourage our children to improve and at the same time remind them that a qualification does not define them as people.

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