Lunar calendar to know the time of delivery (August 2010)

About to enter the month of August We bring you one more month the possibility of finding out how much is true in the popular belief that says that many women give birth to their children on the days when there is phase changes on the moon.

You will probably have heard it more than once: “Maybe this Monday you will be giving birth, that there is a full moon” or someone has explained to you that “that night more women gave birth because there was a moon change” and, although the studies carried out in this regard seem To conclude that there is no relationship between the number of births and the moon, most of the population thinks that the moon does have an effect on us.

Popular belief says that the moon affects pregnant women in the same way that it affects the tides (the tide rises at night due to the gravitational effect of the moon), since babies live in an aqueous environment called amniotic fluid and in each Lunar phase change (and especially with the full moon) the chances of calving increase.

As I have already mentioned, there is evidence that this is not the case today and Jose Manuel's comment last month, full of common sense, in which he explains that, even if we do not see it, the moon is still there, it shows that it's almost impossible that this is true.

However, some publications have established a certain relationship (coincidence, perhaps?) Between births and the lunar cycle (such as that of the midwife who analyzed more than 7,300 deliveries and explained that she had found a relationship between both).

Just in case, for those women who want to do the test, I leave you with the lunar calendar of august:

The cycle changes will be as follows:

• Waning cycle: Day 3 at 06:00.
• New moon: Day 10 at 03:09.
• Increasing cycle: Day 16 at 18:15.
• Full moon: Day 24 at 17:06.

Video: Does The Chinese Gender Calendar Really Work (July 2024).