Free Education Day

September 15 is celebrated on Free Education Day all over the world. In Spain, where this educational option still does not have an express recognition despite being framed in the rights of children and the duties of parents according to our Constitution, the groups of families who educate at home take advantage of this celebration to reach society demands and realities directly.

On the occasion of Free Education Day The ALE Association disseminates a manifesto every year in which they demand that the authorities recognize their educational option, the cessation of the pressure that some families receive and the precise reform in the educational legislation that allows their children to access the degrees through examinations free without age penalty.

This year we can find them celebrating this holiday in different Spanish locations, where in addition to meeting to share those moments they can inform interested people.

The places so far confirmed in which concentrations will be held throughout the week are Badajoz, Tenerife, A Coruña and Valencia. You can check the specific days and locations on the ALE page and also read the full manifesto.

Likewise, other associations such as the Catalan Coordinator of Educate in Family and the Epysteme Association will hold events in Catalonia. And the Kaidara association will do it in Malaga.

The celebrations of Free Education Day They are a unique opportunity for families and educators interested in knowing more about this educational experience that in Spain are increasingly adopting more families and who expects the social and legal recognition necessary to develop freely.

Video: Road to Free Education Day (July 2024).