Recipes that include diverse information are available in an application for smartphones and tablets

We no longer doubt that the Internet is present in our lives and that - on more than one occasion - it makes it easier for us. Nowadays it is possible to have access to a world of interesting and useful information in your pocket or jacket (or backpack) through smartphones and tablets.

The different applications allow us to read an interactive story to the children while we are in the park, access current news or consult an agenda of activities.

We can also discover healthy recipes with a new Eroski Consumer application that opens in this reality with this service for iPhone, Android and iPad that is available in Apple Store and Android market.

Through this application, consumers they will consult and choose the menu of that moment. They can also choose the recipe by price or shopping cart, by balanced nutritional menu, by medical recommendation, by dish or dessert, etc. You can also archive and have your menus built with the choice of recipes to order your daily, weekly or monthly diet. Surely for many families it helps a lot. This release is a real milestone and at the same time, all a commitment to continue offering useful information for the new daily life and an aspiration for this new app to become the benchmark of gastronomic applications.

Why is this novel application interesting?

  • You can consult more than 3500 recipes, which is an incentive that is not invaluable for foodies, but it is also possible to participate with comments or contributions.
  • Includes shopping list that can be completed through the ingredients of the recipes we select.

  • Users can create menus from recipes saved or consulted, allowing us to organize our food in a balanced way.

And although there are no reasons to have it, I will tell you the recipes have been applied to the filters available on the web. Among those are those who help to select (preparation time, difficulty), and also - very important - the classification of proposals based on sor suitability for celiac, hypertensive, diabetic and allergic to other foods. I have also seen that it includes an indication of whether or not they are suitable for vegetarians, which makes it very complete.

And above all, what users like most about this app is that it is very intuitive and that its handling is not complicated at all.

Images | Eroski Consumer Source | Eroski Consumer In Peques and More | Recipes for children with Valeria Wand, Suggestive recipes to make with children and teenagers in Fried Webos

Video: The iSi Recipe App for Smartphones and Tablets (July 2024).