From baby to old woman in 4 minutes thanks to the incredible hands of a cartoonist

When our baby is born we usually try to imagine how they will be when they are children, when they are young and even when they are adults. Many of these changes we will see, but others not because we will no longer be. That's why, I guess, this video is a bit hypnotic, because it shows us how does a person change from birth to age in just 4 minutes.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen it already. I saw it a while ago and every time I find it because someone shares it, I can't help hitting the "Play" to see again that little girl that grows and changes until she grows up.

Maybe it's because I like to draw and not in my wildest dreams would I be able to do something like that, or maybe it's because sometimes I think about how life changes us almost without realizing it. The case is that it seems to me an incredible work and that's why I wanted to share it with all of you.

The video is the work of an artist named Stone J.H, from South Korea, and since it was published now more than a year ago it has been more than 13 million views.

Video | Youtube
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Video: 30 COOL BARBIE DOLL LIFE HACKS (July 2024).