Do you want a girl? Well, some people think you need to do all this

Last weekend I brought you some methods that were used some years ago to conceive a boy. We said that we could not judge them harshly since the knowledge of that time was not what we have today. Now we are much more informed and we don't go around believing that the postures or the moon influence the sex of the baby, or maybe?

Today I bring you some modern methods, although I think others not so much, to select the sex of the baby. Do you want a girl? Well, there are those who believe you need to do all this.

Choose the right moment

Practice sex two to three days before ovulation because in this phase the egg is more likely to be fertilized by the slower sperm than is normally the female. According to the Shettles method that dates back to 1960, the male sperm is faster than the female, although the latter prefers more acidic environments than the male (which we'll talk about later)

Do not practice sex for two to three days after ovulating

Try to have your partner ejaculate as far away from the egg as possible, at the entrance of the vagina. In that area the pH is more acidic and is believed to affect the "Y" or "male" sperm more.

Avoid orgasms

Sorry, but for now nothing to end an orgasm. Orgasms cause contractions in the vagina that make it more alkaline and increase sperm speed, which favors male sperm.

Face to face sex

The position of the missionary or with the woman on top favors the female sperm.

Do not use artificial lubricants

You know, lubrication favors the fastest and the fastest is male sperm.

Watch what you eat

To have a beautiful girl nothing better than vegetables, fish and foods rich in calcium and candy. Come on, chocolate is also included. Enjoy

Don't lose sight of the moon

Of course, there could be some reference to the moon phases. And so we have that popular wisdom tells us that the best moon phase to conceive a girl is during the full moon. Of course, popular wisdom says that it is in this phase when most of the covens and magical saraos are practiced, so I don't know very well how to take the advice. Let's see if it is going to have to see it when there is more light?

Consult the oriental wisdom

The Chinese Calendar or Chinese table will tell you, according to the crossing of various parameters, on what day you can conceive your girl. Of course, if you know a little about the world of adoption in China, you will know that most of the abandoned babies are girls, so it gives me that the table is not understood by those who invented it, so you yourselves.

We continue with popular wisdom: female seduction

It is said, hope that I put the voice of a magical adventure movie narrator, that to get to conceive a girl it is the woman who has to seduce the man to take him to his bed. Get your own conclusions.

Sperm selection

If you are looking for something a little more scientific, or unless it has left a laboratory, you can use the sperm selection method for artificial fertilization. This method has an effectiveness of 91% for girls and 76% for boys and consists of a separation by decantation since the female sperm is slightly greater than the male and therefore will weigh more.

PGD ​​(Preimplantation genetic diagnosis)

The method is to collect some ovules from the mother and fertilize them with the father's sperm, incubate them for three days and extract a cell for analysis. This cell contains the complete genome and you can know if the embryo is a boy or a girl. Once selected the girl is implanted in the mother's womb.

With the exception of the last two, which have a certain scientific character, we can see how we have not made much progress in centuries in our beliefs about how to influence that 50% dice roll that is usually natural fertilization Who knows, maybe one day we can play with the loaded dice.

Video: 5 Secret Physiological Ways To Tell A Girl Is Into You (July 2024).