Some games that do not require preparation

At home we have a couple of games that every time I see my children direct their "I want that" finger towards them I start to shake. Because of their size they cannot be mounted, well maybe they could be, but then the children would have to sleep on the balcony. Every time they want to play with them, they have to spend half an hour looking for pieces in all the boxes where they keep the toys until we can assemble them. And by taking so long to do it, when everything is ready, they have lost their desire to play with it and I don't blame them.

Other times I have a lot of things to do and I can only be with them for a few minutes, so I can't entertain myself in assemblies or I just can't be 100% in the game. In those moments it is very good to keep in mind certain types of games that do not require preparation Previously, you simply take them out and start playing or you can let them play and you intervene occasionally.

To collect the toys: If the toys are out of place or we have a few chips lying on the floor, why not pick them up with some kitchen tongs? We achieve two objectives, that they pick up without protesting and that they enjoy a game that is not usual. At least in my house the cooking tongs are only used at dinner time.

Everything in its place: They can be buttons, construction pieces, straws, anything that can be separated by colors, shapes or sizes. Give them some containers and ask them to sort them by colors first and then by size. And it is a game that likes both the little ones and the older ones.

Water: A bucket with water, or a couple of them can keep you distracted all afternoon. We just have to be careful where we let them play so we don't go swimming, or who knows, maybe even a small flood of the terrace is fun.

The bag of secrets: It's very simple, a garbage bag, and we put a few things inside. We give it to our children and ask them to take out a certain object inside. If they are small it would come with that, but of course, the elderly need other stimuli, so we can describe the object we want as if it were a riddle. I need a little blue being that lives inside a mushroom, can you find it?

A cardboard box: How many times have we given them something that they park shortly after having released it to start playing with the packaging box itself. Just leave them a box and let their imagination do the rest.

Domino: There are very varied and you can even do one at home, and so we have an afternoon of entertainment. It is a game in which everyone can participate, the oldest joining the dots or colors and the smallest simply by putting them in a row or stacking them.

The kitchen utensils: Pans, pots and pans, spatulas, tongs, wooden spoons, etc. Let's get it all out and have them decide what they are going to play today. Of course, they better not be the most delicate.

Strainers and cords: Surely you have at home a pair of laces or clothesline, even some cable that you no longer use. You can cut them into pieces of a size that prevents them from suffocating by mistake and we can play to put the cords through the holes in the strainer (yes, I mean the vegetable).

The plasticine: The classic of all time (along with the cardboard box). Imagination to the power.

Surely you play someone who is not on the list, Do you know any new games that do not require preparation?

Video: How to make a Video Game - Getting Started (July 2024).