Getting pregnant after the pill, children who refuse food and more ... The best of Babies and more Answers

As you know, our Answers section is a space where you can ask the questions you want to be answered by the community, and at the same time you can participate by answering and voting the responses of other users.

It is a good source of information for parents seeking opinions from other parents, so we review The best of Babies and more Answers in the last 15 days.

  • One of the biggest concerns is pregnancy after contraceptive methods. Belencita19 He stopped taking the pill and asked how long do I have to wait to get pregnant?

  • Also about getting pregnant, micaelam.cerda Look for a child and see which cycle to get pregnant with a boy. It is impossible to ensure the sex of the baby naturally, but there are certain methods that can increase the chances.

  • After a miscarriage, women's doubts are many. aguilar11 Ask how long you should wait to have sex.

  • For its part, celvia She is worried because her 19-month-old baby stopped drinking milk when she normally did. The pediatrician does not give you a solution and asks for advice.

  • Finally, we highlight the query of teamoaty, who comments that his four-year-old daughter vomits and does not want to eat. Do you help her?

We invite you all to participate in our Answers section in which you can raise your doubts and concerns, as well as comment and vote on other users' questions.

Video: How to avoid pregnancy before 1 month? - Dr. Teena S Thomas (July 2024).