When your baby is born, do not be separated

In recent years we are witnessing a genuine revolution in what concerns the treatment of the newborn, and that is that it is struggling and achieving, in many cases, that the mother and the baby are together from the moment of birth. In many hospitals it is already done, but many others are still missing in those who do not: the baby is born, by vaginal delivery or caesarean section, and is separated from his mother, when it is most advisable that this does not happen.

So you know why it is done, why it is ideal, we explain today why this title, why this indication: When your baby is born, do not be separated.

Because that keeps the temperature

One of the most critical episodes of the birth of babies is the time when their body temperature passes from the heat in mom's belly to a much lower outside temperature. Babies have hardly any fat and that makes them keep the temperature very bad. If they get cold, if they lose heat, they have to spend energy to reverse the situation and that makes them burn glucose, causes them to lose more weight, and puts them at risk of doing what we know as "sugar drops."

It has been seen that a naked baby in skin-to-skin contact with his mother (covered, obviously) maintains the temperature better than one who is dressed and wrapped in a crib, because the mother's breast has the ability to increase the temperature above her own body temperature To warm the baby.

Because that way the baby is calmer

The character of a person, of a baby, has a lot to do with genetic inheritance, but It also has a lot to do with what happens in his first minutes in the world. It is not the same to arrive without reasons to cry than to arrive and begin to suffer because he is separated from his mother and begins to feel fear and stress.

Babies who are separated sleep more uneasily and are more active, less relaxed, when what a baby needs is the opposite: feeling safe, sleeping peacefully and eating, growing and resting. A newborn is too small to have to worry about survival.

Because breastfeeding is better established

Have you ever wondered how it is possible that we continue to exist with the problems that many women have with breastfeeding? There are so many who end up not breastfeeding that it is necessary to think if we should not have already extinguished. Because now there is artificial milk, but this is from a century ago. If we looked back there was no minimally healthy alternative (well, yes, another woman was breastfeeding).

The fact is that the surprise was capitalized when we realized that the fault that many babies did not take well to the breast was ours, of the man, of the protocols that said that the baby had to be separated from his mother a mouse to wash it , weigh it, etc. By not separating the mother from the baby breastfeeding is better establishedThere are less problems with cracks and pain and the baby ends up sucking longer.

This happens because when babies can breastfeed at birth they create a proper oral imprint: Babies tend to "memorize" what comes into their mouths for the first time to know how to eat and suck. If something else comes in (a pacifier, a bottle, a finger, a probe, ...) and babies try to make their suction scheme based on what has replaced the chest in a first contact, there is a clear risk that then Do not take well to the chest. In addition, the energy with which they are born is not the same as they have two hours after birth, when they are already tired and decide to sleep. Therefore children should not be separated if it is not strictly necessary.

Because the emotional bond is not altered at any time

Of course, a mother will love her baby whether they separate or not, because this is, in addition to instinctive, rational, but it has been seen that mothers who are not separated from their babies tend to be more affectionate than those that have been separated.

In the animal world it also happens: there are species that reject their offspring if they are separated and if, when washed, their smell is removed. Well, something similar happens in the human world, on another scale. Mothers who do not separate from their children they caress the children during the shots and have more moments of eye contact, and this is positive for both of us.

Because the risk of infections is reduced and the contamination of the baby is improved

As we explained a while ago, the ideal for a baby is to become contaminated with the bacteria and microorganisms of his mother, and that is why it is important that the baby goes through the fewer hands, the better. That is to say that if instead of going to the mother's breast he goes to another place, part of the "pollution" is replaced by that of the hands, people and hospital environment of the environment.

Also, for being with mom, decreases the chance of the baby suffering from iatrogenic infections, which are those that happen because the baby is not where he should stay, with his mother, and with other babies around, in the hands of professionals who take and care for other babies, etc.

Photos | iStock
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