The best gift for this Christmas is us again

It happens every year, children get to look at catalogs and television ads looking for their favorite gifts, they try to hit within the limitations we told them and even we bought some toys that they don't ask because we believe they will love them and in the end it turns out that the best gift we end up being us.

Surely no one has ever done it, but I'm about to put a picture of me between the pages of the Christmas catalogs with the caption "Let Dad play with us", to see if they choose me as a gift. I don't know about you, but I'm sure that would be the first of their lists, the best gift of your letters.

I never played with my father

Or rather, my father never played with me. Logical, it was the fourth, I already played with my brothers. However, now that I do play with my children, I realize that I would have loved to share more time and more game with him.

I chose my gifts with tremendous enthusiasm every year, I made the letter with the things that I liked the most and those nights I slept fatally, because of my nerves, for the desireā€¦ it was difficult for me to fall asleep and I woke up at all hours to see if they were already six o'clock. Then, from that time on, the one who woke up first woke the other up (and I say the other one because this was a pact between Karlitos, the fifth, and I ... the rest slept like any night).

We opened the gifts we had chosen, and others that were surprise, with nervousness, joy, radiant to have everything we wanted and more. And yet If my father had been the Christmas present, I would have stayed with him.

Maybe I put it that way because I missed it, that is, since I was not for us during the year, just being able to spend a day with him, but really (because he was with us, but not for us), he would have made that Day one of the best of my life.

Toys are a means, not an end

Never forget it. The best toys are not the most expensive. They are those that serve to the game is developed. The best toys are not those that come in the biggest box, but those with which children can feel joy, magic, the desire to use them, to play with them.

Parents now have had many more toys in our childhood than our parents, and despite that we were able to play without them too. Hour children have many more toys than us, and yet it seems that without toys or screens they may not be able to play.

A tip, for those who want it, do your best this Christmas for be the best "toy" of your children. Play with them, if you want, play with them with their new toys (which can also be), take advantage of the time together and you will see that two things happen: first, that They will have such a good time with you that they won't want to stop playing and second, that from that moment they will want to be with you, more desire to share time and words and that you will have, like this, a better relationship.

After all, children end up becoming materialists because they ask for and ask for things to play and to try to fill in all that time in which we are not with them or for them.

Video: If youre missing someone this Christmas this songs dedicated to you - The Piano Guys ft Craig Aven (July 2024).