Children who beat other children, reflections on motherhood and more ... The best of Babies and more Answers

As you know, our Answers section is a space where you can ask the questions you want to be answered by the community, and at the same time you can participate by answering and voting the answers of the other users.

The debates, as well as the information and experiences shared by fathers and mothers, are very interesting, so we will review The best of Babies and more Answers in the last 15 days.

  • olive. She told us very distressed that she can't stand her husband's niece, who shakes, hits and pushes her daughter. He asked for advice in this complicated situation and among several mothers they have given it to him.

  • For its part, a regular reader of the blog, nymph032001 called for reflection through this question: Everyone complains about motherhood, does anyone see the good? Interesting debate.

  • Intuition can be very powerful during pregnancy. lu418 He confessed to us a hunch, he thinks he is waiting for two babies, will he be like that? He will have to unveil the mystery when he knows it.

  • Another usual reader, anamare I asked about the compatibility between a muscle relaxant, Yurelax and breastfeeding (almost exclusive). We have advised you home remedies and see if the pain improved.

  • cristinamasia she wrote very distressed because her 2 and a half year old son cries for everything! And asked for advice. We have given it to him.

  • By last, jessbaq I asked a very common question among the readers of the blog: is it normal to feel pain in the belly in the first months of pregnancy? Yes, it is very normal to feel discomfort similar to that of menstruation at the beginning of pregnancy.

We invite you all to participate in our Answers section in which you can raise your doubts and concerns, as well as comment and vote on other users' questions.

Video: Every PARENTS Responsibility: Ep 13 Soul Reflections: BK Shivani English Subtitles (July 2024).