Making love often improves sperm DNA

The scientific journal Translational Andrology and Urology has recently published an article written by Dr. Jan Tesarik, director of the MAR & Gen reproductive clinic in Granada on the fragmentation of sperm DNA and how this fact can lead to infertility problems in the couple.

In recent years, it has been seen that there is a progressive deterioration of semen quality, but many of the causes that cause this damage could be corrected if man introduced into his life healthy habits.

Progressive deterioration of semen quality

Dr. Tesarik and his team of specialists at the MAR & Gen reproductive clinic have been evaluating the sperm DNA of patients with fertility problems for years, and the data seems to show that At present, men have a worse semen quality than 20 years ago.

According to Tesarik, to know more details about the reason for this deterioration, the ideal would be to be able to study continuously a group of randomly chosen men, and not focus only on those with fertility problems, who are those who normally undergo this type of studies.

One of the characteristics that mark the quality of semen is the integrity of sperm DNA, an indicator that will help specialists to determine the type of reproductive technique to follow, also taking into account other factors such as:

  • the presence of other pathologies in men or women
  • the age of the woman and her ovarian reserve
  • the duration of infertility
Sperm DNA damage is caused by multiple factors, but some of them may have an easy solution if man changes certain habits and lifestyle.

It is known, for example, that the damage increases in the case of smoking men or professionally exposed to different toxic substances. Other environmental conditions such as air or water pollution, poor diet or alcohol and drug use would affect the quality of sperm.

On the other hand, the stress, the practice of certain sports or some apparently irrelevant personal habits such as the use of tight clothing or the regular taking of hot baths and sauna, could also contribute to the deterioration of semen quality.

What happens when semen quality is bad?

According to studies, it seems that poor semen quality caused by fragmentation of sperm DNA could reduce male fertility, cause abortions or certain health problems in the newborn.

But nevertheless, There are several things that man can do to achieve the progressive normalization of his sperm DNA, such as improving your lifestyle, abandoning harmful habits to health, losing weight in case of obesity or having surgery for varicocele, if this were the cause.

Similarly, diverse studies claim that making love would often also improve semen quality, it is shown that the sperm DNA is worse in men who ejaculate little.

On many occasions, a simple change in the lifestyle of man would significantly improve his semen, although in others it has been seen that Young and good quality oocytes of women are also able to repair the damage of sperm DNA.

If none of these measures were successful or the causes of infertility were different or unknown, it would be necessary to resort to assisted reproduction techniques, always opting for the least invasive if the maternal age is low or donor eggs are used.

In any case, it will always be the medical team in consensus with the couple, who decide the most appropriate techniques at home situation.

  • Via Translational Andrology and Urology

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Video: Improving Fertility in Men with Poor Sperm Count. UCLA Urology - #UCLAMDChat Webinar (July 2024).