Development in the language of the baby: from seven to nine months

After seeing the baby language development In his first two quarters of life, it is time to continue seeing how he continues to discover that his body is a box of surprises that will allow him to communicate with people and the surrounding environment.

His repertoire of sounds and vocabulary continues to grow, his verbal and gestural imitation is increasing, his understanding allows him to understand more events that occur daily in his life, and his communication is gradually becoming more and more effective.

Therefore, today we will see what happens in the language of the baby from the seven to nine months and how little by little he is maturing his way of communicating, both nonverbally and verbally.

Seventh month

During the seventh month our little one is already able to vocalize four or more different syllables ("ma", "pa", "ta", "ga" ...) and begins to perform soliloquies; that is, our baby already has its own characteristic language that he performs when he is alone playing or doing something. His babble is gradually more varied and when an adult addresses him, he produces vocalizations as a response.

It is also characteristic of these months that our son or daughter can imitate an action that belongs to their usual repertoire. In addition, before new sounds, begin to observe and react by looking, turning or extending your hand towards the source of those sounds that you are beginning to discover. The same happens when someone says his name and hears it: he turns in the direction of the sound source. Similarly, when we make changes in the tone of our voice (we shout, ask ...) the baby reacts to those changes.

When we put music or songs, pay attention to them, and begin to recognize the names of family members. Finally, he manages to respond with appropriate gestures to words such as "come", "goodbye" ... In addition, it is now when our baby answers us, verbally or gesturally, when he refuses to do something requested.

Our baby can already communicate with his environment in a slightly more effective way: trying to get in touch with the person (either in clothes or with vocalizations), drawing attention by grumbling, grunting or through physical contact, using gestures, responding sometimes with vocalizations when called by name or even vocalizing when the reference adult leaves.

Eighth month

At eighth month, our son begins to emit redoubled syllables ("p", "m", "b" fundamentally: "papa", "mama", "baba"), as well as to vocalize emissions that resemble adult prayers, but without use words proper.

His ability to imitate little by little is increasing, until he imitates a sound or syllable that belongs to his usual repertoire, or even imitates the rhythm and sounds of his parents' natural language. It also begins to mimic the mouth movements that the adult sees, for example, when fed.

When told to speak or do "as if", our baby manages to do it more or less properly. He is also able to listen to conversations of the adults around him, as well as to stop the activity he is doing when called by name. During daily routines, when we describe some objects by name, you can recognize them.

Now, to get the attention of the adult and communicate with him, he shouts and even changes the intonation if we ignore him. Start teaching objects to other people through vocalizations and respond to directions using less and less gestural support. Now it is also when he begins to request things by guiding the attention of the adult (looking at the object and the adult).

Ninth month

We arrive at ninth month, end of the third trimester of the child's life, witnessing how he can now issue redoubled bezels with the sounds "p", "b", "t", "d", "m" and "n". It is also now when you can imitate sounds and syllables with "m", "p" or "b" when you see adults do it.

He begins in the discrimination and understanding of meaningful words for his daily life, and begins to understand some simple verbal mandates. When he is doing something and we say "no", he is now able to stop. Similarly, you can keep your attention for about a minute before an image that is taught and described.

His communication is more effective since he directs his gaze to choose the person with whom he wants to communicate, in addition to changing the intonation to communicate the intensity of his desires. When you use gestures to communicate with others, they are meaningful gestures. His vocalizations or protests are also given now when the adult who attends him prepares to leave.


Little by little we are reaching the first year of our little one's life and we are seeing how he progresses more and more in his language and in his communication, as well as in other aspects such as his locomotion or his intelligence. We also check how his first teeth continue to come out which, together with the maturation of the throat muscles, will allow him to eat solids more easily. In addition, you will have greater control over the tongue and lips, making more and more precise movements that will facilitate the issuance of the different phonemes of the language.

And so far the most relevant aspects in relation to language development in the baby between seven and nine months. We encourage you to tell us about your experiences about your child and his development in language in our section Babies and more Answers, as well as any questions that may arise.

Video: How to Know If Baby's Speech Is Delayed. Baby Development (July 2024).