Mother at 12

If the story of the British boy who had been a father at 13 years convulsed us, the news I bring you today is even more worrying. This is a girl who has been mother at 12. It has been for a violation and by order of justice.

The girl had been raped by her stepfather. The mother requested the abortion, arguing that there were serious risks to the child's mental health and that the pregnancy was the result of rape. He had to resort to justice, because the Argentine law only authorizes doctors to perform abortion in cases of rape of a mentally or demented woman, in case that did not concur here.

The judge who was to study the case determined that abortion will not be performed. I think its arguments are worth reading directly, since they were based, above all, on the fact that the girl clearly stated that she did not want to harm the fetus.

"The possibility of not punishing abortion is only foreseen when performed by a certified doctor and when it is the result of a violation of an idiot or insane woman. It was not covered by the legal hypothesis and no doctor could have performed the abortion without judicial authorization. Therefore, it was reasonable to resort to Justice. "

On the other hand, the expert psychologists who spoke with her stated "the girl's wish was that the fetus will not suffer any damage and therefore I wanted to continue the pregnancy. "

The judge held that to the extent that "a child has the competence and attitude to understand the transcendent act in which his person and his rights are at stake, his will must be taken into account."

Not only that: "After analyzing their entire situation, especially the psychic and social aspect of the girl, they concluded that today the termination of pregnancy could produce in the girl a personality disorder that could be assumed in pathology irreversible psychiatric such as psychosis. "

"Although pregnancy and maternal it is not ideal for a girl of this age today is the lesser evil because this time of gestation will allow this girl to have the necessary support from the State through her professionals to take on this new challenge of being a mother. "

The girl gave birth to eight months of gestation and the birth was a few days ago. She and the baby are in perfect health.

The man accused of raping her underwent voluntary blood collection when he was taken to custody. The magistrate ordered yesterday that the DNA tests be done to the baby, reason why blood was taken to the newborn and also to her mother.

It seems that the education of the girl and the improvement of her environment have been measures that will be taken into account. However motherhood at such an early age, be a mother at 12, and for a traumatic fact it is something that should not happen. Which decision is the most accurate in these circumstances?

Video: Having A Baby At 13. Britain's Youngest Mums and Dads 2. Real Families (July 2024).