How to get your baby to sleep in less than a minute ?: the amazing trick of a mother

Sleep to a baby in a minute? Where? How? My mother, but if it is the dream of every father and mother, that there is a method or trick to get him to fall asleep and stay fried, that there are babies who do not fall asleep and you can spend hours and hours trying to sleep between dances , tit, songs, caresses and massages.

Well, a French mother shared a video ago that showed a trick that works perfectly for her in case other parents want to try it with their children: a kind of caresses in the head that then pass to the face until the child falls asleep.

According to DailyMail, the video was shared on the French magazine's Facebook page Pour Nous Femmes and it was shared massively to the point that more than three million people have seen it already.

As you can see in the video, the baby is relatively awake. Then his mother begins to stroke her head, then her face, her head again, and the baby begins to show clear signs of sleep. Finally lay it on top of her, as if already lying down, and continue with the caresses to finish getting her to finally fall asleep.

But does this work with all babies?

Actually I don't think there is a method that works with all babies, so it simply comes to add to the set of methods or techniques that can help a baby fall asleep. To be honest, I don't think it's a great invention, because we all know that caressing babies' foreheads and noses, even their foreheads and eyes, as if down, induces them to close them when they have some sleep. And that is probably what happens with the kid.

The baby in the video must be at a point where he is already sleepy and what the mother does is just relax her to make her fall asleep. If this is done at five in the afternoon, for example, when the baby is active, they will surely spend hours until they get it.

Hours? Wouldn't he sleep before?

I don `t believe. And I tell you from experience. My first child was one of the considered high-demand babies and there were nights that gave us twelve. At ten I had zero sleep, so she tried with the tit. Around half past ten we went to bed, as if trying to fall asleep with us, with peace, stillness and darkness, and I began to caress her hair, face, neck, hair again , face again, etc., more or less like in the video.

The days the theme worked it could take 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. The days that no, it could be half an hour or more. There were nights that spent (I) stayed asleep with my hand on his face, and I guess he fell asleep later, so I woke up realizing my posture and took his hand away dreaming that one day this would end.

And it's over, of course, over time. But until then, neither method nor milks. It only served us patience and take it with philosophy.

In any case, if it works for you, because I know that there are babies like the one in the video, who do not close their eyes because they are not helped to do so, you can try it. If you do, you will surely think that it is incredible and those who see you will believe that it is a magic thing. Don't lose anything, right?

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