Can you read me a story?

We already know that reading has an indisputable role in the children's educational process, and that part of the responsibility of the children approaching the books belongs to the family.

We all (or almost) have enjoyed the tactile tales of babies ... an object that is brought to the mouth in the form of the most universal source of knowledge is a good idea. And we have also transmitted everyday stories and feelings to very young children through pictures with beautiful drawings and simple texts.

But suddenly the child turns seven or eight years old and becomes more fluent in reading, he is even able to understand without difficulty more complex readings that talk about values ​​and present elaborate stories. At this point, do we no longer have to read them? Of course we must do it, especially taking into account that reading a book is not only decoding written language ... it is much more from the point of view of communication and family relationship. Children really need our presence in the last minutes of the day, and a story accompanies them while comforting.

'Once upon a time'

The book it connects us with the outside world: stories about places that we would not otherwise know, characters that tell us their emotions and allow us to explore ours.

But above all it helps us to spend some time in family privacy without interference of any kind (forbidden to read to children while we wait for a WhatsApp). If you have that custom you will know that time stops when you open the book next to the children's bed, if you do not have it, it is an experience that you should not miss.

'A long long time ago'

The book it stimulates children's imagination because they are not the ones who read and should not worry about pronunciation, but at the same time it favors their concentration: the intrigue of knowing what will happen when dad turns the page.

And develop our creativity, who wants to read with a constant tone and rhythm of voice? If we want them to keep their attention, we must recreate the scenarios until we seem to see them, and give each character a special and different character.

The main points of union between reading and family give books strength

  • The family, especially in the early stages of life, is a constant source of experiences and learning. Reading, throughout life, too.

  • Reading and family help us to relate to the world, teach us how it is, and help us to develop in it.

  • Some of our deeper emotional references They are located in the family. Certain readings leave us with permanent memories, and sometimes they help shape our personality.

So you know: Reading aloud to children gives benefits to adults and children, reinforces the family bond and makes us have a good time. No doubt we should continue to do so until ... they want to.

Video: The Gingerbread Man. Full Story. Animated Fairy Tales For Children. 4K UHD (July 2024).