A curious adoption story: parents of four girls in 24 hours

Kaley Carling and her husband Jeremy, a couple from Utah, had tried to conceive for some years, but due to the lupus and rheumatoid arthritis she suffers, they have not succeeded. The adoption was always in their plans, even if they came to conceive their own children, since both have in their families people who have been adopted, but certainly theirs is A curious adoption story: they have become parents of four girls in 24 hours.

It seemed impossible, but after several disappointments, the story had a happy ending. The stars were aligned and, although the procedures took time to complete, their four daughters, two couples of sisters, appeared in their lives the same day.

A difficult start

Like every couple who tries to have a child in a biological way and does not get it, they have gone through a rather distressing period. But they knew that if they failed, they would resort to adoption.

His second disappointment came when the pregnant woman had agreed to the adoption, regretted giving birth.

An unexpected gift

But after that bad experience, in August last year his life took an unexpected turn in just 24 hours. They received a call from social services informing them that the mother of two girls had just been imprisoned and that Haven and Indie (at that time 18 months and 5 months) were prepared to be adopted. At 24 hours they were contacted by another woman who was pregnant with twins and planned to give them up for adoption.

In January of this year the twins Sunny and Weslie were born in a different state from where the Carling live. One of them remained in intensive care for three weeks, going through tremendous anguish again, although they took turns traveling to see the girls.

Finally, on October 19 and 20 his dream came true in a very short time. Happiness concentrated to finally be able to be parents of four beautiful girls: Haven, who is now 2 years old, Indie, one, and twins Sunny and Weslie, 9 months. Now they are a peculiar happy family.

“Some days it's incredibly difficult, we went from having two incomes to having only one - she stopped working - and now we have four more mouths to feed, and we have a great debt for the private adoption of the twins. But our prayers were heard and our hearts are full. We are very happy to finally be a family, ”Carling said in an interview.