Babies highlights and more: from September 28 to October 4

We have released month, and as every Monday, here we bring you the summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more. We begin by reminding you of the survey we were asking you about if you would delay pregnancy plans for influenza A, you can still vote. Our readers liked to learn more about the technique of letting babies feed themselves, the "Baby-led Weaning."

Also the fun reflections on who our babies look like or the conclusions about the sexual orientation of the parents and their influence on the development of the children interested the readers. An interesting debate was also opened on the issue of school uniforms, among those in favor and against.

A practical issue, within the series that we are dedicating to newborn care, has received many readings, and how to clean the nose of babies remains a mystery to many parents. In addition, we saw what were the first checks on the newborn.

In addition, we have enjoyed a video breastfeeding manual, and recommended that we go ahead to Christmas shopping in the case of the Mickey Mouse House if we do not want to run out of it or pay more ...

Finally, we would like to comment on the best event that has occurred this week in this small family that we do Babies and more, and it is to remember that Sofia's birth, a beautiful baby, occurred last September 30 making her mother Lola and her whole family very happy. !! Congratulations!!

We hope you found this post compilation interesting. We will continue working to bring the most attractive and instructive content and next week we will summarize them in a new selection of Highlights of Babies and More.

Video: Tom's Stream Highlights: The Rainbow Road Theme Apr 15, 2018 - April 28, 2018 (July 2024).