Braid strips of colored paper to turn them into a mat, remember?

I already wanted to bring you a craft, and I found the occasion with this pretty braided paper strips, which reminds me a lot of my childhood. At home we continue to work with papers, wool, cork stoppers or any element that can be used. What happens is that my oldest son (who has never felt too much attraction for crafts), barely participates anymore, and on the contrary, the little girl maintains the ability to create, preferably without indications of the elders.

The point is that seeing this mat made with colored strips, I have thought that many times the simple ideas with the best result. And I have to give the reason to Lilla, who says that if it seems that children participate, it is better to propose easy jobs that they can perform according to their age and abilities. Lilla is a Swedish mother of two young children, and the creation I propose today I found on Pinterest. Even if you've never practiced the little art of braiding paper strips, it won't cost you anything to get a good finish.

We need:

Colored paper (folio or DinA4), remnants of wrapping paper with different motifs, decorated or metallic cardboard, scissors, white glue, heat.

How it is done:

First we cut the paper into straight strips one centimeter wide and approximately (depending on the size of the sheet) 30 centimeters long, we do the same with the wrapping paper.

We choose the strips with which we will begin to work, and place them together (leaving one or two millimeters between them), at one end we adhere them with zeal to the work surface. Now we are taking other strips that contrast in color and brightness with which we have attached, and we begin to braid, carrying the tip of each of them above and below the framework we have prepared.

Thus, one strip after another, and when we finish we will have a nice rug that we can frame in a square of cardboard of about 20/25 centimeters, which we will glue them with white glue, then cutting out the part of the strips that protrude.

Once we have let it dry it will help us to decorate a side table, to hang in the children's room, or to give to a friend. You can also protect the surface from breakage, covering it with acetate paper that you will place before sticking to the frame.

No need to encourage you, because you see that it is very easy, in addition time is more enjoyed doing something all together than watching television (for example), and it is a good idea to spend an afternoon where there is no homework, or a Sunday that is expected to be boring.

Video: Make Great Home Accessories From Old Fleece Blankets (July 2024).