Children in the kitchen

In our Special Infant Feeding for Babies and more we already explained how important family meals are for children to develop good nutrition habits and also encourage good communication. However, food is more than just eating, and in the whole process we can and should, incorporate children into the kitchen.

The advantages of the collaboration of children in the kitchen process there are many. They will allow us to know them better and that they also know us, working as a team, distributing tasks and helping each other.

In addition, cooking is, as we explained on other occasions, a great learning laboratory where mathematics, natural sciences and even history and geography have their place.

Educating our children is a complex process that we could summarize as the way to prepare our children to live as independent and happy adults, capable of developing their potential and relating healthily in society. And, in this, the kitchen also offers us infinite possibilities of socialization, learning of basic tasks, hygiene, nutrition and human relationships.

Finally, I must also point out that cooking and everything that children can collaborate with in it will improve their cognitive, communication and, in addition, fine psychomotor skills with the use of materials and objects of all kinds.

Let's see now the kitchen-related tasks in which children will be able to collaborate with adults

Collaborate in the purchase

Collaborate and accompany us to the purchase It is one of the activities that are part of the cooking process.

When they are babies the purchase can be very boring for them, especially if they go in their cart and spend too much time for their patience and needs in the supermarket. But after two or three years, depending on the child, if it can be a time of pleasant family activity if we plan it well and above all, if we go to stores in the neighborhood where we can show him the different foods. I remember what my son liked the fruit shop or the fish market and how much he could learn there.

Then, when they get tired less and understand the concepts better, we can go showing you the different foods, talking about them, choosing together the menu that we will do with what we are buying and even, explaining things like the expiration date or the choice of healthy foods within a balanced diet.

As always, with children, without hurry or scolding, discovering that the world is a place full of possibilities in which we will accompany them.

Collaborate in food preparation

Cooking can be a lot of fun if kids help us prepare food. There are many materials to touch, masses, powders, liquids, as well as many different colors, flavors and textures. Children can learn a lot, exercise and have fun in it.

Can you help us with simple tasksAt first, just approach something or hit a button with our supervision, but little by little beat an egg, stir a mixture or knead it will be within its capabilities.

Of course, we must secure the kitchen so that don't be dangerous for them, leaving no casseroles or hot or sharp objects near them and preventing them from touching them. But you don't have to obsess about having everything clean and collected while you help us, you have to be flexible and enjoy the process. And, of course, never scold them if they don't do things right at first, but be alert to avoid and point out behaviors that can be dangerous.

Ideally, ask for help with easy dishes: an ice cream, a salad, some snacks, put some slices of cheese on a plate or decorate the fruit already cut by putting it pretty in the serving dish. If we make homemade pizza, a cake or some sandwiches, they are sure to enjoy a lot helping and if, in addition, we have a bit of skill to make decorations in the shape of faces or animals, even more.

Set and unset the table

If we are going to eat all together and we are not in a hurry, it is time to incorporate the child, from the age of three, when they have the necessary skill, the tasks of setting and removing the table. Before, they may also carry napkins or plastic cups, but it would not be appropriate to ask for more than they are capable of.

However, if it is important to keep in mind that children are not incapable and that there are many things they can do, without pressing or scolding, first as a game and little by little, as one more work we do as a family, for, later, that they can assume directly that the home is a common project in which we all collaborate in the tasks that we can do.

It is important, when we go to set the table or remove it, ask them concrete things and explain how to do it, without getting angry if they drop something or if, at that moment, they are tired and need to play after we have been sitting for a long time. It is a gradual process but we can also make it fun and enjoyable if we take it that way, always remembering that the activities should be appropriate for the child's age and ability.

Video: A Kid In The Kitchen mp4 (July 2024).