The SAR extends the definition of a toy to emphasize its importance in the development of children

In the XXIII edition of the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy It indicates that the toy is an object with which children play and develop certain abilities. It is a meaning that is added to the existing one so far and that defined the toy as object used to entertain. And this new definition emphasizes the fact that the toy, in addition to entertaining the little ones, encourages the development of certain skills and abilities in children, both in their physical or psychological dimension and in the emotional and social dimension.

Members of the Children's Observatory, experts in the field of pedagogy and education, and knowledgeable about the importance of the toy for culture express their satisfaction with the change. Gonzalo Jover, director of the Children's Game Observatory (OJI), has indicated that “the value of the toy as an instrument through which children learn to enter the world. But, without neglecting, the second meaning, that of the toy as an object with which they have fun and entertain themselves. Since precisely the value of the toy is so high because it favors children to grow, develop and experiment in a playful environment, in which their own abilities are fostered and enhanced, from happiness and motivation ”.

Others OJI members, like Jose Luis Linaza or Petra María Pérez, have explained that “it is a very positive modification due to the recognition of the importance of the game and the toys” and that “the toy affects the imagination capacity as well as the development of physical abilities and social ”.

And is that the game is a necessity for children, and the toy is the object they use for it. The toy is the instrument of children's play, because the game needs instruments, since the imagination, inseparable from playful activity, must express itself on something material. In the life of children, the main function is the game: through it they learn to live and rehearse the way they act in the world.

He President of the Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers (AEFJ), Jose Antonio Pastor, has stated that: “This new definition, which apparently modifies small nuances, is really a conceptual change very important, which on the other hand better reflects what society understands by toy and, above all, the use that childhood professionals make of toys. The responsible industry makes a great effort in security, in quality, in originality and value of play, in solidarity and training in values, ethical standards are imposed in the field of communication and manufacturing, and all this effort is only rewarded if both Parents, like educators, psychologists and other professionals in the world of childhood give toys their primary place in the main function of childhood, which is the game. We hope that this change motivates the Administration, also endorses this definition of the toy, and leads it to include the game in the school curriculum and in the training of future teachers, pediatricians, etc. ”

I think it is a good idea to expand the meaning of the toy, and it is that they still have a long way to boost the game and learning among the kids.

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