Middle child syndrome

Surely parents who have three children will have ever wondered if the second of their children could be living middle child syndrome.

The oldest is always given more attention because he is the first to do everything and the little one because he is the new baby and the one who takes all the pampering.

In most cases it is normal for the second child to feel "less loved" or feel that their parents pay less attention.

There are two types of reactions to this situation. They can become very shy and withdrawn children, as if they are always in the background, or on the contrary, as an act of rebellion be the most unruly.

Of course, I want to believe, all parents love our children equally, not one above the other, but what can we do so that the child does not feel that emotional lack?

The first thing you need is to be given attention. Some use all kinds of means, which parents do not know how to interpret, to demand attention.

Spend a special time in the day exclusively for them, when going to bed for example, or for a walk, to feel that there are times where you receive pampering from dad or mom exclusively.

Do not scold him all the time, celebrate his achievements. Instead of telling him everything he does wrong, telling him what he is doing right, he will like to feel recognized and will encourage him to do things better, instead of doing them wrong to get attention.

In some families being second is not as bad as they paint it, I say it from experience. All expectations and tensions are set in the first, while the latter are less controlled.

Video: Is the middle child syndrome real? (July 2024).