Golden rules for parents in feeding their children

There are a number of gold rules that all parents must comply for a greater understanding and knowledge about the development of the baby, are rules that must be remembered and that provide us with some parameters and guidelines to follow.

Children in principle can eat everything, in fact there is no scientific study that contradicts such a fact. What do exist are preferences and inclinations for different aspects, it must be said that cases where some type of problem such as gluten intolerance can be excluded are excluded in this rule.

The routine is a great ally of the parents, with it we will conquer the palate and the stomach of the child. Routine is a discipline, feeding the little one in the same place in a pleasant and peaceful environment helps to achieve the habit of good food.

Patience is a virtue that parents must acquire and every little achievement we make is a battle won. It is important to always start with goals and small amounts when introducing new foods into the children's diet. Parents have a goal, that the child eats and hunger is a great ally that we must use to some extent. This does not mean that we make our small reach the limit of starvation but a little hunger helps to some extent.

Our food education should not resemble that applied to the child, that is, it is possible that some parents do not like certain products such as vegetables and for this reason they scarcely include these precious foods in their diet. This should be avoided at all costs, our tastes should not intervene in the proper feeding of the child. Many children learn to eat because they see how parents eat all kinds of food, this is sometimes not possible, but it would be advisable. The exception of this scheme may be children who have a genetic predisposition so that they don't like vegetables.

Finally, it is important to know how to eat everything, a rich and varied diet enables proper development and we should not allow the preferences of the child to interfere with this fact.

Video: Common Mistakes Parents make with Newborns. Golden Rules of New Born Baby. Baby for good immune (July 2024).