Dads and moms blogs (XVIII)

Today, like every Tuesday, it is the day of the review of dad and ma blogsplus. One of the most rewarding experiences of offering our readers information and stories is to be able to visit you on your blogs and tell everything we learn thanks to you.

I start with Sweet Fruit Macedonia, which is, as I have already said, one of my favorite moms blogs. This time, Mari Cruz, tells us the exciting experience of separating from her eldest son, who has spent a week away from home, visiting her friends, among whom I am. In the picture that illustrates this post I am reading a story to the children.

The little girl in the house, Elisabet, is the one who suffers most with these separations, because she is small and very close to her older brother. Those of you with young children can surely tell us how they live the separation of their older brothers, because the connection between children of very different ages is intense and for the younger ones their older brothers become figures of enormous emotional importance.

He also tells us about a meeting held by Maternal Instinct, in which several families have gathered to share experiences and so that children can play together freely.

Her husband, Jose Mari, also maintains a very active and attractive blog, Quijote to walk around the house, and this time, among other things, he tells us how he and his children have prepared a job to learn to distinguish flavors. With his eyes covered he offered children different foods and they, through the sense of smell and taste, discovered what it was. And it is a "kitchens".

Azu and Malena, from Casseroles and Hugs, they bring us, as always, very original ideas to enjoy with children, such as doing manual work with recycled objects. And in their recipes made by children they present us with a delicious cream sauce for pasta made by Ivain and Tristany, the children of one of them.

Lau, from Teach fishing, echoes an interview that they have done in the Alba Magazine, in which he explains how he realizes the experience of educating his son at home making special impact on the natural socialization that he can offer.

“I take him to the supermarket, to the bank and he sees that you don't behave the same in the supermarket as in the park, and he learns; I think that is more important than being with people his age all the time; in addition, he goes to karate and basketball in the afternoon and spends time with other children, ”he explains when asked about the famous socialization."

Yasmin, the author of Learning from Adrián, he tells us, as Mari Cruz did, the beautiful experience offered to families to meet with others in a similar way of raising and everything that children enjoy making new friends. On this occasion in a "kedada" of the Criar con el Corazón Association, of which this mother is now the president. I am very excited to tell you how this association continues, as I was its president for five years and I feel very proud to see how my work has borne fruit.

Miriam, from her blog Crianza y Confianza, which is a true luxury, one of the best maternity blogs we can read, with reflections of exquisite sensitivity and enormous commitment, reminds us that children do not love each other for their sex and brings us that He asks that parents often assault us when our children do not act as we expected, leading us to wonder if we are doing something wrong.

I say goodbye with a few words from Miriam that I share fully and that I think is a huge truth.

It is true that I am very clear that each child is different. My children are unique and unrepeatable people, with their own behavior, individual and chosen by their instincts. I think having all this clear as a mother is very important. I think that respecting their own path, they will be happy in life.

Made this weekly review at moms and dads blogs I hope that the proposed topics have been to your liking and we will continue browsing to offer you a new compilation next week.

Video: NO MOM, NO RULES! Boys Watch MONSTER JAM CRASH! (July 2024).