A blow to a tooth: serious consequences

Accidents, as such, cannot be prevented, unfortunately. Because if I could go back time to prevent my girl from giving that blow on the tooth I would.

I want to warn you so that it does not happen to me, that by not seeing symptoms at the time and not taking it on time, now the situation is more complicated.

It has happened a month ago. Playing, my girl who will be three years old in a couple of months, has fallen to the ground and a paddle has been hit. He got a lot of blood and from his tears I could tell that it hurt a lot. I checked that the tooth did not move, I cleaned his mouth well and it passed.

But a week ago I noticed that his tooth has turned gray, I immediately remembered the blow and regretted not having taken it to the dentist before.

When I took her, the dentist told me that there was nothing that could be done and that if the blow affected her permanent tooth in any way, the damage was already done and there is no solution.

Faced with such an absurd diagnosis without even having an X-ray, I consulted with another specialist, who told me that the tooth has changed color due to nerve necrosis.

I do not intend to give a class of pediatric dentistry, but for what he has explained to me, it means that the nerve of the tooth has died with the blow and the nerve must be removed (do a pulpectomy) to avoid a possible infection that could affect the permanent tooth .

Although the beaten tooth is made of milk and in three or four years it will fall, the complication is not that it has a black tooth for a few years (which too), but that necrosis can affect the color or shape of the definitive piece that is “ waiting ”in the gum. And already condemning a tooth that is lifelong for a more complicated treatment would be foolish.

Therefore, I am worried today because this afternoon my little girl will have her first face-to-face with the lathe, anesthesia and other dental equipment. They have to make a hole through the back of the tooth to file the dead nerve and fill with a white compound that returns the color to the tooth.

I try not to convey my phobia for dentists, in these cases moms should give them peace of mind and be with them to protect them. For that same phobia, since the teeth came out we brush them twice a day and I worry that they are very healthy so you have to go to the dentist as little as possible in your life. But look where you hit, and zas!

I'll tell you more, but I wanted to tell you my experience in case the same thing happens to you. Although at the moment you do not see anything strange, take the children to the dentist without wasting time when they hit their teeth hard.

Video: Root canal - Lapointe dental centres (July 2024).