Cord cut (Its relation to sudden death)

A few days ago I read news about a medical study that has no waste. Clearly relate the premature cutting of the umbilical cord with the sudden death of the infant. The author is Chilton Pearce and the publication is called "Evolution's End. Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence", HarperCollins Publishers, New York.

The article explains how at least one third of the baby's blood and oxygen remain in the placenta for 5 or 10 minutes after birth. The long umbilical cord gives the baby access to the chest with the maternal oxygen source intact and thus allows a calm and relaxed discovery of breathing once the amniotic fluid and mucus have drained from the nasal passages.

However, the practice of premature cord cutting means that babies are instantly deprived of oxygen. Then the baby tries to breathe before the mucus and amniotic fluid have moved from the nasal passages and drowns in the fluid. He no longer has access to the flow of oxygenated blood provided by the placenta. You have to breathe immediately or you would suffer anoxia.

That is why babies, at birth, should cry and fill the lungs with air, even if they are not 100% prepared. That is the reason for hit on the back, head down, supported by the feet.

This work also explains that autopsies performed on babies who have died of sudden death showed bleeding at the top of the spinal cord, inside the vertebrae. The blood, the result of the blow so that the child begins to breathe, gradually forms a clot that presses against the plexus of the major nerve that controls the action of the heart and lungs, until both finally collapse.

I do not know if these studies are extrapolated to all cases or totally true, but since then they are another reason to ask if premature cord cutting is adequate.

Video: Its time to cut those cords. #Capricorn. Mid July 2019 (July 2024).