Mothers are amazing: mother and baby survive 4 days in the jungle with coconuts and artificial and breast milk

There are those who talk about miracles, but I think it's more a matter of love for your son, determination and fighting ability, wanting to live and, above all, wanting your son to live.

It has happened this week and it is such a surprising, hard and inspiring story that we have not been able to resist telling you: After a terrible plane crash, a mother and her baby survived 4 days in the jungle with coconut water and breast and artificial milk.

The terrible accident

According to the media, María Nelly Murillo, 18, was traveling on a plane last Saturday with her 8-month-old baby Yudier Moreno, accompanied by a pilot, when they suffered an accident that caused them fall in the jungle of Chocó, in a very humid and dense area, full of towering trees that made their rescue very complicated.

On the same Saturday the plane was located at a distance, but it was not until the next day that rescue services arrived at the accident zone. Once there they realized that the pilot remained inside, dead, and that there were obvious signs that the mother had survived: they found a phone with more than 90 calls who found no recipient (there was no coverage) and coconut remains, with which the mother would have fed.

The rescue

From that moment they began the search. The leafiness of the area made it almost impossible mission, so they decided to try to see them from the air, with a helicopter that could send messages through speakers. Apparently they did not stop telling them that they were there, that they were coming to help them and that to find them it was important that they go back to the place of the accident, or to a hamlet that was seven kilometers away.

On Tuesday people were added to the search, who arrived by sea and could comb the area from the ground.

It was Wednesday the day she finally heard the rescuers and was able to follow her voice prompts. They finally met and, after getting into the helicopter, were taken to the Quibdó Hospital, where doctors said that the baby was a little dehydrated, but fine thanks to what the mother had done for him.

The 4 days in the jungle

Maria Nelly went with her baby to a medical visit and to stay with her sister, who lived somewhere else, when the plane went through a turbulence zone and crashed. It all happened very fast.

It was Saturday afternoon, when the authorities lost contact with the device and activated the search. After the accident he managed to get out of the plane and, for a few seconds, the shock made him forget that his baby was with her. He walked a few meters away and remembered his son and came back for him. He wanted to tell the captain that they had to get out of there, because he saw a fire story and feared it would all burn. When he touched it, he realized that he was dead.

He took the baby and got away from the plane. A fractured ankle prevented him from running, and had several burns and wounds, so he could not go as fast as he would have liked. Having the baby in his arms, he noticed that it was hot and thought it was because of the flames of the accident, so he approached a nearby pool to bathe him.

When he saw that the plane did not catch fire, he returned to see how he could ask for help. He opened the pilot's suitcase, picked up the phones, a bathtub he was carrying, a machete, a baby milk bottle and moved away from the place again. At that time is when he tried to contact someone, getting to do more than 90 attempts Which proved useless.

He decided to follow a stream that went down, to always be close to the water and look for food. With leaves and sticks he made a little shelter for her and her baby, where they could rest a little. With the machete he opened the coconuts he found and drank water from the same stream and leaves. The baby was fed with breastmilk and with milkshakes I made on the leaves with powdered milk and water, which also gave the baby.

The artificial milk is over, so he continued to breastfeed the baby as much as he could, but there came a time when he did not get enough food and devoted himself to drink water and offer water to the baby. Exhausted and sore, she arrived on Wednesday hearing the helicopter tell her to go up the stream. And he did, and he tried and went up until there came a time when he couldn't take it anymore and sat down, giving up, or almost. I just needed a little rest and would try again.

It was then that the rescuers saw her, hugging her baby, exhausted. They approached her, offered her help, took the baby to get on the helicopter, and she he pressed it even more against his chest, in a last effort to prevent anything bad from happening to him. But he had no strength to avoid being caught and yielded. They reassured her ... too tired to understand that everything was over. They both got into the helicopter and so the end of their worst nightmare came.

I repeat: the mothers are amazing.

Video: Kitten & Cat Care : What Do You Feed Newborn Kittens? (July 2024).