Infant aspirin, only by prescription

In other countries it is over-the-counter, but for four years in Spain Health decreed that children's aspirin be sold only under medical prescription with a very solid justification.

Although there has been no case, the measure was taken preventively by linking the drug with Reye's Syndrome, a rare but very serious disease that usually occurs in children between 4 and 12 years characterized by cerebral inflammation and liver associated with fever cases treated with acetylsalicylic acid, the main component of aspirin.

That a drug is associated with a disease is one more reason than weight to prohibit anyone from buying it and administering it as you want, but this makes me think about the amount of pharmaceutical products that can be purchased without a prescription and be harmful if they are mismanaged. And the worst, we don't know.

Because we will recognize that sometimes we don't even read the piece of paper that comes with the medicine. In this case, among the contraindications listed in the leaflet for childhood aspirin, as well as on the Aspirin website it is indicated that children under 16 should not take it.

In Argentina, for example, as far as I know, children's aspirin or aspirine is over-the-counter (I don't know if it's still like that, can anyone confirm it?). Moreover, it is not only found in pharmacies but can be bought in kiosks or in supermarkets.

Therefore, in countries where its sale is free, it is important that you know that Childhood aspirin should not be given when the child has a fever, for that there are anti-thermal.

What I do not understand is why if in one country the decision is made to prohibit the free sale of a certain drug because its administration poses a risk when it is not indicated by a doctor, why it is still sold under the same form in other countries.

Video: One-a-day: Low-dose aspirin (July 2024).