Asthmatic women take longer to get pregnant

Women increasingly delay the moment of being mothers. In Spain, the average age at which women have their first child is 31.5 years. But according to a recent study published in the European Respiratory Journal, asthma could be an added delay factor in women who suffer from it. Ensures that asthmatic women take longer to get pregnant.

Asthma is a frequent respiratory disorder among young women of reproductive age, therefore the recommendation of the study authors is that all women try to conceive before, but especially asthmatics, as the tendency to delay is increased by age.

Mothers of more than 15,000 twins were asked if they had ever had asthma and if they had taken more than a year to get pregnant. The results showed that 27% of asthmatics had taken more than a year in becoming pregnant, compared to 21.6% of non-asthmatic patients.

They also found differences between women who were treated or not the disease. In those who were not treated the risk was greater, 30.5% compared to those who did, 23.8%.

They believe that the systemic inflammation produced by asthma would also involve reproductive processes delaying conception in women.

Finally, the study authors clarify some factors that aggravate the delay.

Although the delay in maternity is independent of the phenotype and the severity of the disease, asthmatics who suffer from the non-atopic version of the disease, as well as those who suffer from it more severely or those who are not treated take longer to become pregnant .

Via | The World Photo | Britt-knee on Flickr More information | European Respiratory Journal In Babies and more | Asthma during pregnancy

Video: CW39 NewsFix. Study: Women with asthma take longer to get pregnant (June 2024).