Interesting and fun advice: dance between contractions to induce labor

When labor is approaching, and even in the dilation phase there are natural methods that help the baby to be born. Although not infallible, but very funny, the dance is one of them. It can help that with the movements of the mother, the baby is placed and with its own weight, helps soften the cervix to cause birth.

Akilah Wooten is a mother from Atlanta (United States) who keeps the rhythm in her veins and when her doctor recommended that she move, she went out into the hospital corridor and He started dancing between contractions to induce labor with his sister and cousin.

The video uploaded by The Ob / Gyn & Midwife Associates was recorded by her own doctor. The baby was sitting on his pelvis and apparently did not intend to leave. The doctor then suggested that she walk, move or squat, and left her while they waited for labor to begin.

Upon returning, he turned down the hospital corridor and found his patient very entertaining. I was dancing the song "Watch Me (Whip / Nae Nae)" by Silento with her sister and her cousin.

Definitely served the advice, because a few hours later gave birth to a beautiful girl of more than 4 kilos.

Video: Labor and Delivery. Childbirth. Nucleus Health (July 2024).