The contamination of artificial milk in Spain

I'm afraid that worry about the possible artificial milk contamination It is not something new, although, I repeat, in the current case due to an outbreak of salmonellosis, it is not proven to have this cause.

Already only reviewing our blog I find worrying news that is repeated year after year. I find it intolerable that these things happen and that controls are not carried out to avoid them. I really don't understand it and I can't resign myself. I suppose that the parents who have been affected will feel disappointed by not having guaranteed the healthiness of their children's food before putting it on sale.

Cases of contamination of artificial milk in Spain

In 2008 Novalac, removed a batch of 4,500 units of AR Digest after having found salmonellosis in several babies.

This product is still marketed in Spain but is produced in France, however, from what I have been able to investigate, there was another outbreak related to this brand in 2010, and, as a result of Sergas releases, I understand that until January It was produced in the same plant as Blemil in Spain. However, I don't have absolute security since some media messages are contradictory.

In 2008 Sanutri withdrew five lots from the Comfort and Natur ranges. Those affected of which I have confirmation are almost 30 at the time we published the news.

The Sanutri brand also produced milk for infants with allergy to vaccine milk, Velactin, and it was warned in 2008 that several lots could have been contaminated with cow's milk proteins.

Perhaps the most serious case is the one that led to the death of a baby in 2007 for having consumed contaminated Sanutri Preterm milk in a hospital, so the company was, in 2010 sentenced to heavy compensation.

In 2007 the Blebit Digest of Ordesa seems that it could, in some lots, have been contaminated by botulism. 148,000 units were removed.

In the newspaper library of La Vanguardia we can find another news from 1994 about a withdrawal of Blemil 1 powder.

In 2005 Nestlé withdrew lots of Nidina in Spain, Italy and Portugal, due to a problem that caused the product to be contaminated with the ink in the package.

Contamination of artificial milk in other countries

I do not believe, honestly, that the Spanish case is different from what happens in other countries, and, of course, I am confident that situations such as the great scandal of poisoned milk in China is impossible here.

Is it not possible to avoid contamination of artificial milk?

This is a small review of the cases I know of product recall by artificial milk contamination and baby products in Spain in recent years. If any of our readers know other information, I would be grateful if you would add them in your comments.

Precisely this week I have been investigating a lot about the way in which artificial milk is produced, formulated and marketed, by asking me if, perhaps, I could not offer greater guarantees to change the control protocols on these products to match them to those that are performed in the case of medications.

But if I remember investigating the greater possibility of avoiding contamination in milk in liquid presentations, which, although it is also susceptible to infection in the plant, is sterile once packaged.

I still don't know what the optimal certification and guarantee formula would be, but I'm not at ease in anything, and that is year after year cases are detected in which it is necessary to withdraw batches of artificial milk for contamination in Spain. The system that exists now is not enough for me and I don't think we should resign ourselves to the appearance of contaminated milk for the little ones. Do our readers believe that control over this product is sufficient?

Video: Reporters Fired For Exposing . Milk Contamination & Monsanto (July 2024).