International Breeding in Arms Week

There is nothing sweeter for a mother than having a child in her arms, feeling her warmth, her smell and being in close contact. Perhaps for that reason, and for centuries, women from all over the world have taken their children in the most varied fabrics, incorporating this tradition into their own cultural legacy and transmitting such beautiful practice for generations.

From November 12 to 18, the International Breeding in Arms Week 2008 under the motto: Celebrating taking our children.Various associations throughout Spain plan to carry out all kinds of informative and recreational activities during those days to raise awareness of the benefits of raising children and promote the use of the baby carrier. Talks, presentations, parades and exhibitions will be held.

On November 15 a nationwide meeting will be held in Madrid to bring together “parents and moms for the use of baby carriers” with a very complete program of vindication and celebration. There will also be activities in Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and other cities. The full calendar can be found on the website of the Kangaroo Network, one of the convening associations. The International Week will also be celebrated in other Spanish-speaking countries such as Mexico.

Official site | Babywearing International In Babies and more | Second International Baby Carriage Congress

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