The child has a transitional “tic”

There are many children who sometimes grimace or repeat certain gestures continuously, without meaning. Many people who see this performance of the little ones do not understand it and encourage the children to stop doing it. They are considered distracted children, with lack of attention and somewhat unruly.

Bend your legs, perform certain movements with your hand, blink continuously or creak and grind your teeth are called transient tics, a disorder that involves the motor, creative or sensitive senses and that usually disappears over time.

The causes can be several, a tic can be caused by genetic predisposition, for having ingested some exciting drug, for nerves, for a psychological cause (a passenger maladaptive by a change of address, a family malaise, etc.), the reality is that in most cases these tics usually resolve on their own and are not important. Although there is a small percentage that is not resolved and it is necessary to perform a pharmacological therapy that limits the discomfort caused by the tic in question. When parents detect a tic in their child, to find out if it is of psychological origin the first thing they should do is keep calm and allow time to see the evolution of the problem in case it ends up ceasing. Given the persistence of tic, it is best to pamper the child more than usual through the understanding, confidence and tranquility provided by the words and actions of the parents.

Ensure that the child does not receive any over-effort that leads to psychic or physical fatigue, provide moments for play and distraction and never overload tasks or obligations that may indirectly lead to tic.

We should never get nervous and try to block one of these tics with prohibitive phrases or reprimands, since it is very possible that the tic is accentuated. The most advisable thing is to go to a specialist who will indicate the most convenient action.

Video: Tics and Tourette syndrome - Akron Children's Hospital video (July 2024).