Adapted literacy education resource

Today we bring you an interesting ideal literacy educational resource for children who learn to read and write, because it brings them closer to that world of letters, words and meanings in an entertaining and interactive way.

It is a material developed by the Institute of Educational Technologies of the Ministry of Education, an application called "Adaptive writing", designed to favor the development and strengthening of literacy skills (in Spanish) considering that the end users will be boys and girls aged between four and nine years.

In total there are more than 20 applications with different activities designed so that they can be used using a small group of keys, speeding up the procedure for small users. Adapted literacy presents several blocks in which the recreational side predominates:

  • In the first section the children can see how the letters are written, do them with the mouse, practice the alphabetical order (they recognize the letters that appear on the screen and have to press them on the keyboard) or play a word race.
  • The second section contains association activities of written words with the drawing and its reading.
  • The third section gives us lexicon activities to expand vocabulary (food, professions ...) by completing words, ordering phrases and texts (for older children) ...
  • I really liked section four, with verbal analogies to complete, “intrusive” words… because concepts such as lexical families and opposites are worked in a fun way. There are also word order and reading speed exercises.
  • The fifth section contains a couple of small stories online.
  • Finally, section six is ​​aimed at parents or teachers with the necessary teaching instructions to make the most of the application.

It is an application accessible to people with visual impairments through screen readers through the repeated use of the TAB key and keyboard shortcuts.

In some activities we can choose between upper and lower case, and a voice is explaining the activities or pronouncing the name of the letters, with which the navigation through the application is made simple for the little ones.

The children will find in this literacy educational resource the first games with the letters and the written words, that so many good moments are going to provide, with our help and company in these first steps.

Official Site | NTIC
In Babies and more | Reading and playing: a page full of educational resources, Internet resource for children's education, The Cave of Tragapalabras, for the beginning of literacy, Learn the vowels in a fun way

Video: Sentence Builder Peek Inside. Special Education Writing Bundle (July 2024).