Techniques to accelerate expulsion

Sometimes some deliveries do not progress properly, as the contractions are weak, irregular or complications occur during the expulsion phase. When this happens they are used techniques that help accelerate expulsion.

When the cervix is ​​very hard or very closed, prostaglandin gel is used, which helps to cause contractions. When it is necessary to regulate or cause contractions drip with oxytocin is used. This serum is injected through a pathway in the vein and falls drop by drop, administering it progressively and according to the response of the uterus. This hormone increases the intensity of uterine contractions.

If the mother does not break water spontaneously during induced labor, a technique called amniotomy (artificial rupture of the aminotic pocket) is used. They introduce through the vaginal opening an elongated instrument that ends in the form of a crochet, thanks to this instrument, the contractions become more regular and effective. When you need to accelerate the exit of the baby's head, they use the Kristeller maneuver. The specialist pushes the upper part of the uterus with the forearm while contracting and pushing the mother. When the push phase is very long, to facilitate and shorten the baby's exit through the birth canal, they use the forceps and suction cups.

To facilitate the exit of the baby, the specialists practice the episiotomy to avoid tears and facilitate the exit of our child.

Video: How to ACCELERATE Toxin Removal By Stimulating Your Liver With These Commonly Ignored Herbs (July 2024).