UK parents with obese children will receive information on the dangers of obesity

As of now, a UK father who has an obese child will not be able to express his or her ignorance about Possible health risks of such obesity, the government of this country considers the possibility of send letters that contain this information after having carried out a weight control of children between the ages of 5 and 10 in schools.

It is a measure that is already giving to talk and with which some people disagree when considering that these letters could stigmatize or point to children, although we do not understand why, since it is the parents who would receive the letters, not The children or the neighbors. Overweight and obesity is a concern present in governments, future generations can be seriously affected and suffer serious health problems, reducing their quality of life and the country in general. In fact, the British government has presented an alarming study that shows that in just 25 years, up to half of the population will be obese. Taking an example, the number of obese children between the ages of 2 and 15 has increased to 19% in 2005 alone, they are truly alarming data. By the way, our country also suffers a considerable increase in overweight and obesity, and it could be a good measure to send letters with detailed information to the parents of obese children.

Different measures are considered, but it is necessary to take the most effective ones if you want to change such an unhealthy future, as we have said on some occasions, the main responsible for a child receiving an adequate food education, a healthy diet or physical exercises regularly they are the parents, either directly or indirectly. The letters will be an effective measure especially for those parents who do not know the definition of overweight or obesity and who may even come to believe that this is a healthy condition, provided they are accepted, read and understood.

Video: Parents Slow to Recognize Obese Children (July 2024).