Video: how to teach a child to read

Learning to read is the key to entering a world of knowledge and stories. Teaching your child to read can be rewarding for both of you, and very helpful for him. This video shows us how to teach a child to read in a simple, entertaining and didactic way.

Although the age they propose is that of two years, personally it seems too early and before that there should be a familiarization with the letters. But if your child already knows them, because they have learned them at home or at school they are already starting to read, it is a good idea to continue strengthening at home in the way the video teaches us.

The key is to prevent the child from getting bored, and if that happens, change activity. You also have to choose simple, familiar words (names, dad and mom ...), and even for a short time, "read" those words several times a day. Little by little, new cards will be introduced to expand vocabulary (household objects, body parts ...).

The images remind us that we shouldn't worry or get angry if we see that the child does not recognize the words, that each child has a different learning rhythm.

We hope this video encourages you to read with your children If you already know how to recognize some letters and if you have started learning at school it will be easier for you and you will have fun together making and reading the cards.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | The Cave of Tragapalabras, for the beginning of literacy, Adapted literacy educational resource, Application for teaching literacy, Learn letters with animals

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