Diving is an initiative of the Interactive Generations Forum to contribute to the responsible use of technology

He Interactive Generations Forum just introduced to The Dives, a project that aims contribute to the responsible and safe use of technology. In this web page you can find the virtues and risks of the use of technology by the little ones and it is emphasized to explain what are the values ​​that promote healthy habits, integration and respect among people and for the care of the environment.

The Dives They are small microscopic beings that live in the depths of the Internet and communicate with humans through computers, consoles, tablets, televisions and mobiles. And, as they explain from their page, where we navigate, they dive.

The project is addressed to all kids between 8 and 10 years old, although it is also dedicated to parents, teachers, educators and in general to anyone who wants to obtain information on the impact of technology on education, training and the promotion of culture, the promotion of healthy living habits and active, social integration, overcoming cultural and generational barriers and environmental awareness.

The initiative, whose original idea is from La Gata Greta Producciones, S.L., is driven by Foro Generaciones Interactivas, a non-profit organization whose mission is to make technology better for people.

In Los Buceítos you can find a collection of five stories, a series of training and awareness actions for the little ones, six children's songs to sing and resources to make a flash drive in the shape of one of the characters.

We will be very attentive to the evolution of Los Buceítos and take the opportunity to congratulate the Interactive Generations Forum for the initiative. Any proposal aimed at reducing the digital and generational gap in the use of technology deserves our recognition and approval.

Here you can see the video of the presentation of the page before an audience of all ages although the prominence is taken by children who are enthusiastic about the explanations:

Video: Entromancy. TBD RPG (July 2024).