First baby born of genetic disease in Spanish health is born

We are gradually learning about new cases of births of babies that have managed to free themselves from the gene that causes hereditary disease.

We have already published a case in the United Kingdom and a case in Catalonia. Carmen was born on Sunday at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville, the first baby to avoid a hereditary genetic disease in Spanish public health thanks to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

The DGP technique is a very complex technique that consists of a genetic analysis of embryos obtained by assisted reproduction to transfer to the uterus only those free of genetic load associated with certain diseases. The girl was released from Duchenne's disease, a muscular pathology that manifests between two and three years of life, although usually, it is not diagnosed until the age of seven that usually immobilizes the legs and affects one of each Six thousand babies

It is a miracle of science that these children can live without the burden of a terrible genetic disease that in many cases can even lead to death.

Hopefully this technique is extended to all Spanish communities, since for now it is only done through public health in Andalusia.

Video: The Most Inbred People Of All Time. Random Thursday (July 2024).