With spaces like this, your child will love to study: 17 ideas to organize a study corner

Whether it is to do homework, read, draw, or simply have a space to perform tasks that require a certain concentration, it is very useful to organize a Study corner for children. The usual thing is to place it in the room where they sleep, although when it comes to small children there are those who choose to place this small space in a common area of ​​the house, such as the living room or dining room, in order to always be aware of them.

The children's study area It must be functional and well organized, so that children feel comfortable, relaxed and have all the material at their fingertips. It is essential to move away this corner of televisions, videoconsonlas or any other element of distraction, and place it, if possible, near a window that provides natural light.

The decoration and design of the workspace will vary as the child grows, although there are certain aspects that we should always take care of, and that refer both to comfort (ergonomic chairs, table at a suitable height, footrests if needed, drawers or organizers always at hand ...), as to the concentration (colors and decoration that invite relaxation, light of adequate intensity, noise-free area ...).

If you are looking how to organize a children's study area, we propose these ideas that we have seen and that we have loved. We hope they help you!

For the smallest of the house

We start with the smallest of the house! Because although they do not have to do homework and still do not need concentration to carry out school tasks, it is important that they also have a practical, fun and functional space that allows them to work autonomously. What do you think of these ideas?

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A shared publication of Baby Accessories (@accesoriosbebe) on Dec 2, 2014 at 4:49 PST

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A shared publication of Decoinfant (@decoinfant) on 1 Jun, 2018 at 11:52 PDT

And if your child has already left his baby crib behind, how about giving a proper new use to the beginning stage? Turning your crib into an original desk is a great idea, and a way to recycle furniture to last longer.

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A shared publication of Maternal First Cole (@maternal_miprimercole) on Jul 18, 2017 at 9:22 p.m. PDT

Books and school supplies always at your fingertips

We really liked these workspaces that we share below, because they combine simplicity and practicality. In addition, each of them brings a touch that will fascinate you.

We start with this desk, which stands out for the large front shelf within the reach of children, and with all the books on display, as well as the original bookcase in the shape of a dollhouse.

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A shared post by Nina (@ninaclave) on Sep 2, 2018 at 1:15 p.m.

This second photograph is very similar to the previous one, although it incorporates a wide side chest of drawers where the child can store all his school supplies and always have it on hand while working.

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A shared publication of Laia (@ laieta_29) on Jan 3, 2016 at 1:41 PST

Nor could I miss in our compilation this Ikea desk with ample space for organize all kinds of supplies that the child may need for your daily tasks: from notes, to pens, pencils and an original grocer where to store the smallest objects (clips, pushpins, erasers ...)

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A shared publication of Laura (@lauradesallow) on Jan 1, 2018 at 1:10 PST

And this idea of "perforated board" that we have seen in the blog Diario Deco has appreciated us fantastic and tremendously practical. It is very simple to perform, because it is enough to have a wooden plank and a drill. The result is a very original desk wall where you can hang all kinds of study tools.

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A shared publication of Diariodeco (@diariodeco) on Sep 28, 2017 at 12:49 PDT

And finally, we share this beautiful image of the Talo Sanomat blog, where we can see a large children's desk with all kinds of details. They emphasize its wide organizational spaces, and a front panel where the child can place annotations, drawings or photographs.

Double and functional desks

If you have twins or children at a similar age, you may be considering putting a double desk so they can study together. If so, we leave you these practical ideas that we scare to inspire you:

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A shared post by Iris Ajau Garcia (@irisajaugarcia) on Dec 2, 2016 at 2:06 PST

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A shared publication of Bambini Spot (@bambinispot) on Jul 1, 2017 at 3:41 p.m.

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A shared publication of ↠ THREE • SOULS ↞ (@ three.souls) on Aug 28, 2017 at 6:36 p.m.

A work space full of color

Creating a work and study space is not at odds with giving it color and originality. We share these functional and fun desks that have captivated us by their Design and light that reflect its colorful details. What does it seems to you?

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A shared post by Chloe (@chloeuberkid) on Sep 26, 2015 at 1:26 p.m.

Via www.thebooandtheboy.com Via www.mariemersier.com

Small spaces

But it is not always possible to have ample space for study area. Either because our house is small, or because we are many at home, there are times that we have to fly our imagination to make that small corner of the house, a comfortable, comfortable and cozy space that invites concentration. If this is your case, we leave you some suggestions that have caught our attention.

The first one, we have found on the Better Homes Gardens website, and as you can see, it is about locate a workspace within a larger area, such as the living room or dining room. Taking care of the details and decoration, the desk will be perfectly integrated into the room, and our children can have an exclusive space for them and with the school supplies to the Alcane.

On the web Put up your dukes we share this great idea, especially designed for small spaces. It is a folding table and anchored to the wall that we can pick up when our children have finished studying. In this way, we can locate it in any area of ​​the house, and with a simple and quick gesture our children will have a functional and orderly space in which to work.

And in Ikea we propose this great solution to combine, in a single space, the rest area, the closet and the study area. Don't you think it's a fantastic idea?

Video: How to Organizing Your Kids Space A Guide for Every Age (July 2024).