"Sweet Trick", a UNICEF campaign against pedophilia

As easy as offering them a treat. With this simple and sweet "trick" you can attract the attention of a child, and with not always good ends. This is demonstrated by UNICEF Chile in a video titled "Sweet Trick" to warn of the dangers of sexual abuse of children.

In it you can see a man dressed as cotton candy that gets the attention of the little ones and even their parents in a park. With this announcement, you are aware of how simple it is for children to approach a stranger, as the final message that man delivers to adults demonstrates: "It's that easy for a pedophile to attract a child. Let's be alert. "

In this way, UNICEF Chile, in the framework of its fight for the protection of children, tries to raise awareness about the sexual exploitation of children in a video that has not gone unnoticed on the networks, with the significant title of "Sweet Trick ", "Sweet trick".

This is a video made by the consultant Ogilvy & Mather and we hope that the debate on the subject and the raw message it delivers will help society be more aware before the dangers of sexual abuse of children, surveillance and tolerance Zero to stop them.

And with special emphasis on vigilance, because the most unsuspected people could be causing harm to children, or thinking about causing them. Children must be taught not to leave with strangers, or to leave alone without warning other people that we are not their parents.

You have to be alert, and UNICEF's campaign against pedophilia with the video "Sweet Trick" He shows it to us ingeniously and without drama, despite the harsh reality behind it.

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