Why children should go in the car in reverse until at least 4 years old

What if I told you there is a safer way to take the children in the car? What if you found out now that going backwards many children who have died on the roads could have been saved? Because when my first child was small, now 10 years ago, they told us that after 12 months or 9 kilos of weight, if I remember correctly, they could already place themselves in the car in favor of the march.

Today, September 21, European Day without Deaths on the Road, the campaign has been launched Not one more in danger, which next to hashtag #yoviajoseguro seeks to explain to parents something very important in terms of road safety: Why children should go in the car in reverse until at least 4 years old.

Going against the march saves lives

From the page Not one more in danger, a video has been published whose objective is to explain why it is safer to take children upside down as we normally do, and also to answer several questions that arise when this is done recommendation:


As you have seen, the great problem of children is that the force to which their heads are subjected when there is an accident is very high. The reason that the risk is high is the weight of the head of the little ones with respect to their bodies, much greater than in our case, as well as the lack of neck muscles capable of counteracting a frontal impact with the vehicle.

As we read in A against reverse, an impact at 50 km / h transforms 1 kg of weight into 32 kg. If we talk for example of a 9 kg baby (as it was said in my time), which could be about 7-8 months old, his head should weigh about 2 kg, and we would be talking about his little neck would have to withstand a force of more than 60 kg, going only at 50 km / h. If we talk about going on a highway, the impact is more violent and the risk for the baby is much greater.

Five times less risk

However, when children are going to backlash, and taking into account that the most serious collisions are the frontal and the frontal ones, the force on the baby's head is much less because he immediately finds a stop, that of the back of the chair and then that of the front seat.

In addition, the figures do not lie, it is estimated that the risk for children is five times lower If they are going to backlash. That's why when you ask "How long?" The answer is simple: the longer the better. Therefore it is advised that it be at least up to four years.

By the way, if you ask yourself the age of the children in the photo, tell them that in the one you see on the cover you have to Lorena, 5 years and 9 months, and his brother 3 years and 9 months. In this last photo you have Keira, 7 and a half years old. All of them are a clear sign that even after 4 years they could travel in a much safer way if we took this recommendation into account.

Video: Im Confused About My Calling. Maybe: God. Pastor Steven Furtick (July 2024).