Light recipe: green beans with potato parmentier and sauteed chorizo ​​taquitos

At this time of the year, we like to prepare light recipes that compensate for the excesses we make some day in family gatherings, barbecues or snacks. That's why we have prepared some delicious green beans with potato parmentier and sausage sausage taquitos, who have also managed to make my nieces green beans, which is why I wanted to tell you how we got it.

I like to present the green beans with the mashed potatoes or potato parmentier because it is very creamy and softens each fork, as an alternative to the potatoes cooked in tacos that is usually usual in this recipe. I've also preferred the sausage in taquitos over ham or bacon because these pieces Help convince the little ones to enjoy this dish, suitable for dinner time.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 400 g of fine green beans, 3 large potatoes, 1 egg, 100 g of chorizo, salt and butter

How to make green beans with potato and sausage parmentier

To prepare the green beans, we begin by cutting the tips and splitting the larger ones into two pieces. We cook a pan with plenty of water and a handful of salt and cook until they are to our liking. Do not overcook or they will be brown, much less showy than with your usual green.

To make the potato parmentier, we cook the potatoes and when they are tender, we crush them with a nut of butter and a little salt, tasting until they are ready. Then, we work the puree so that it is very creamy and light.

We cut the chorizo ​​in small taquitos and we pass them through the pan so that they are cooked, hot and to remove some fat. We drain them in an absorbent paper towel and reserve them to mount the plate.

Plate assembly: We serve a layer of potato parmentier, add the green beans on top and decorate each dish with eight or ten pieces of sausage per person. Once the plate is assembled, we take it to the table immediately.

Processing time | 30 minutes
Difficulty | Easy


The green beans with potatoes and sausage They are a delicious combination that will make children fond of the vegetable dishes that cost them so much at times. With a piece of fruit, we have a full menu for a summer dinner.

Video: 4 Healthy Dinner Ideas For Weight Loss (July 2024).