Weekly menu for a varied and balanced breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, as it helps children start the day well and it is important that they do so in a varied and balanced way.

It is good to offer them foods that contribute to a balanced breakfast and that at the same time are appealing to the eyes and the palate, that they like and be fun. A suitable breakfast for children would constitute it a dairy, a piece of fruit and carbohydrates, such as bread, cereals or cookies that contain them.

But many times it is adults who are in a hurry in the morning, so an ideal solution to be able to give our little ones a good breakfast would be have a menu for the whole week, like many times we prepare it for lunch and dinner. Today we bring you some delicious breakfast proposals for those seven days.


  • A glass of milk, a whole wheat toast with jam and an apple


  • Milk with cocoa, biscuits Osito LULU, a kiwi


  • Milk with a bowl of cereals and a banana


  • A Yogurt, biscuits Osito LULU, an orange juice


  • A glass of milk, whole wheat toast with cooked ham, a kiwi


  • A drinkable yogurt, toasted bread with olive oil, two tangerines


  • An orange juice, a Osito LULU cake and an apple

If you prepare a weekly menu you will be sure that your children go to school after having breakfast properly. Of course, you must also search the preferences of each, because there are kids who choose dairy in the form of cheese or yogurt and fruit in compote instead of natural.

In Tips Teddy LULU | Breakfast, one of the important meals of the day. Why?

Video: MEAL PREP. 9 ingredients for flexible, healthy recipes (July 2024).