Spring / Summer 2014 fashion for babies: costumes for religious and civil baptisms

The BBC season begins (weddings, baptisms and communions) and in Babies and More We bring you a series of special posts about fashion and trends for these celebrations, both for babies, children and pregnant women. For parents who decide to baptize their children religiously or civilly, we give you ideas to make them look great. Other parents simply decide to give a welcome party for newborns and although they do not baptize them, they make a party with all their friends and family, for them we also bring you the most interesting fashion and trend of spring / summer 2014.

Religious baptism

The day of the baptism is approaching and you still have not thought what to put it to the little one of the house. Depending on the months or years you have, you must tell yourself by one type of suit or another. Those who have few months can take a cristianar suit. Brands usually make skirts until 6 months of age. For children 6 months and up we can opt for a dress or dress wig. Chiffon, organza, tulle, silk and plumeti are some of the fabrics that are most used to create christening suits. Many of them carry honeycomb details, purses or bows. The most fashionable colors are still white, broken white, beige, pastel pink or light blue.

The religious baptism ceremony, rooted in much of Spanish society as another party (in many cases), approves with good eyes the use of such costumes. Christian costumes can be austere, family heritage, created by a dressmaker or a clothing brand.

  • Skirt made by hand in plumeti, linen or batiste with bobbin lace in beige Castlebaby, for 540 euros.
  • Christening bubble for organdi children with matching hood First baby, for 49.80 euros.
  • Summer skirt made of cotton with jaretas and smock stitch Alice Enfants, for 86.90 euros.
  • Set of boy with shirt and plumeti bomber in beige tone Alves.
  • Civil baptisms

    Civil baptisms is another option we have, many parents currently opt for it. When it comes to dressing babies here we bet on dress suits but with colors, more informal and with a current touch. The clothes for children are very small right away and they usually do not have an economic price, so choose a model that you can reuse for a party you have. Keep in mind that both children and adults should be dressed as the occasion requires.

  • Silk dress in mint color with bow Casilda and Jimena, for 129 euros.
  • Cotton dress with openwork knit upper ZaraHomeKids, for 29.99 euros.
  • Child set with striped frog (54.90 euros), white linen shirt (59.90 euros) and beige cardigan (74.90 euros) of Nanos
  • Set of red linen bib with white shirt Rochy at Casa Rodriguez, for 49.90 euros.
  • Welcome party

    For the welcome party or the "don't baptize" anything goes. It all depends on the type of party you do, if it is a very informal party, for example in the countryside, you can take the little one with jeans. If it's a party at a restaurant you can choose a cute and fun dress or ensemble. Think that the baby will be the protagonist that day so put what you put should favor him.

  • Loose denim dress with printed panties Zara Kids, for 17.59 euros.
  • Cotton muslin dress with flowers and applied bow United colors of Benetton, for 12.95 euros.
  • Boy's set with denim shirt (69.00 euros) and striped denim shorts (49.00 euros) of BonPoint
  • Three-piece set with white pants, striped t-shirt and knitted vest Kiabi, for 19.99 euros.
  • Video: Do's & Don'ts - Wedding Guest Attire (July 2024).