Probo, a robot to encourage hospitalized children

Probo is an interactive robot which aims to support technical, medical, psychological and social areas in a hospital, and at the moment it seems that it has resulted in help in the rehabilitation and therapy of children, allowing them a faster and more entertaining recovery.

This is a project of the Research Group in Robotics and Multicorporal Mechanisms of the Faculty of Engineering at the Vrije University of Brussels, and as we see in the video it looks like the famous alien Alf, although in green.

Although as endearing and "huggable" as the robot is, I prefer human contact, smiles, warm caresses, soft words, knowing how to listen ... something that robots cannot give us at the moment.

And the fact of supporting technical and medical areas in hospitals sounds better to me, but what works as psychologists ... Another thing is that they accompany the little ones as a sophisticated toy, which surely also makes them happy.

And, although people do not have interactive screens in the belly like this robot, it is also proven, and we have seen it on numerous occasions, that accompanying and making hospitalized children smile helps them in a speedy recovery. I hope you never miss that company ...

Video: A Hospital Kid and a Birthday Boy (July 2024).