Obesity makes conception difficult

On some occasion we have talked about how obesity makes conception difficult, both in assisted reproduction processes and in natural ones. A new study confirms that Obesity hinders the reproductive process.

Even if the obese woman who wants to get pregnant is young and has a regular menstrual cycle, the difficulties in achieving pregnancy are greater than in the case of a woman with adequate body mass. This is because excess fat causes alterations in the ovaries which could contribute to the inability of the ovules to produce an embryo.

And, according to the director of the investigation, the characteristics of the ovules are influenced by the environment in which they develop in the ovaries.

In the case of obese women there are abnormally high levels of fat and inflammation in the fluid surrounding their eggs, which can have an impact on their development potential.

The fats could alter the sensitive metabolism of the ovules and such changes are harmful to embryo formation, it can even affect the survival of said embryo.

The study, carried out at the University of Adelaide (Australia) has been published in the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism", and confirms the advisability of planning with healthy habits when trying to conceive, also for the health of the future baby

Video: Before You Get Pregnant (July 2024).