A girl dies on the same road where she was born sixteen days before

Is our destiny written? The most logical thing is to think that no, that we each decide our path and that we are free to make our own decisions at all times, but sometimes there are coincidences that give what to think, as it is so terrible that it has happened to Amelia, a baby that has died on the same road that sixteen days ago saw her born.

He did not arrive at the hospital to be born

On March 13, her parents went down the road to the hospital to give birth to the girl when they had to stop because she was in a hurry to be born. Amelia I wanted to leave now and there was no time, either, for a medical team to arrive. She was born there and after childbirth they went to the hospital, where they saw that the girl was fine and where she spent her first days of life with her mother.

And on the same road he suffered a terrible accident

And destiny wanted, cruel and insensitive, that on the same road the girl lost her life only sixteen days later. He was returning home by car with his mother and a friend after having been visited in a health center when they collided with a truck at a dangerous crossing of the town of Cebolla, in Toledo, where apparently there have been other fatal accidents in the past .

According to the mayor, it seems that the driver, the mother's friend, decided to join the road without time to do so, and the truck driver could not do anything to avoid the accident. The violence of the impact caused that the vehicle was displaced to an embankment and that both the mother and the baby ended up in the trunk.

The girl passed away and the mother is serious

Although they found a baby car seat, the fact of finding them in the trunk suggests that neither she nor the baby were properly attached to the car. The Civil Traffic Guard has decided to investigate whether the girl's retention system failed or if, certainly, she was not properly seated and tied.

In the accident the girl died, the mother was in serious condition, the driver was taken to the hospital with a thoracic trauma, although she did wear the seat belt, and the truck driver was unharmed.

In the family town, Malpica de Tajo, decreed two days of mourning out of respect for the girl and the family and for our part, in addition to join the condolences for the lossWe remind our readers of the importance of using vehicle safety and retention systems well, as well as being especially cautious while traveling with children: sometimes it is better to be late than not to arrive.

Video: 13 Unbelievable Coincidences That Will Leave You Confused (July 2024).