Traveling with babies: From what age can they travel?

We begin today a series of special entries related to the topic of travel with babies as a way to prepare for the next vacation.

We all know that the arrival of a new member in the family brings us an enormous amount of illusions, new tasks, challenges to face and doubts ... many doubts. In addition, the rhythm of our life necessarily changes. But the ancient belief that we must put aside all our hobbies until the baby is older, it is not so.

Today, with the active participation of both mom and dad in the upbringing of the baby and with advances in all areas of daily life, we can continue all our activities almost normally.

Is it necessary to resign our love for traveling before the arrival of a baby in the family?

Not at all. It will be necessary to adapt to the needs of the little one and take into account some tips to make the trip pleasant for all family members.

In addition, sharing a trip with our children is a highly rewarding experience that will leave indelible memories both in them and in us.

But, How old can my baby travel from?

We must agree that the arrival in the world is a shock for both the baby and the parents. The first days the members of the new family must adapt to each other and find the rhythm of daily life. During the first month of life we ​​must stimulate our baby to begin to recognize the surrounding environment.

From the second month is when the daily walk routine is established and this is the first step for your contact with the world. This simple routine will prepare you to enjoy the outdoors and new sensations: the sun, the wind, the sounds of the environment, the presence of other people.

We could consider these as the first steps of our baby to become a small traveler. To manage that adaptability to the environment and the conditions that are presented, is one of the necessary conditions so that when embarking on a longer trip, the experience does not transform into a nightmare and that we can all enjoy equally.

In addition, the younger children get used to moving, eating and sleeping in diverse situations, the more flexible they become in the face of changes and will be able to take full advantage of future travel experiences.

From the sixth or seventh week, as long as weather conditions permit, the daily walk can become a half-day excursion to a nearby place. While we assure you of your minimum needs for cleanliness, food and sleep, our baby will enjoy the getaway ... and so will we.

From there, step by step, we will gain in confidence to make longer and longer trips away from home. Thus, the day will come when we will spend a night out (or a weekend) without it becoming a stressful situation for any family member.

To move on our first trip with our baby, from the moment of birth we can choose to travel by car, train or bus always ensuring that the journeys are not too long and that we can provide the basic conditions of grooming and food. In this sense, the trip is much simpler and more practical when our baby feeds on breast milk.

If necessary, you can fly with a baby from the second week of life. The airlines advise the travel of babies accompanied by at least one of their parents from 2 months of age. And if we adapted it to the changes little by little, getting on a train or a plane will not be an adventure but one more step in the formation of our little traveler.

I want to thank the Baby team and more for the invitation to participate in this special Travel with babies in which I hope to reflect my experience in the subject and my own experiences of traveling family.

The club detail


Can your baby go with you in the car?

At the Opel Meriva Baby and More Club, we propose a space to share ideas and experiences related to the car as a vehicle for the family. Stay tuned to this section and you will have access to all the information you need about children and babies as a decisive factor when buying a car. A page that aims to provide valuable content for all parents who are in the complicated situation of choosing a car. Good car to travel comfortable and safe with the little ones.

Video: travelling alone for the first time at age 14. catthy nguyen (July 2024).